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Kitchen Studio - Counter Top Canvas - Trash Paint

The story of compost art: How did it begin? 

I have been composting my kitchen and garden trash for years but I didn't think about creating artworks of the compost materials until the beginning of July 2012. I love art and I love expressing myself artistically but I don't always have the time to sit and paint. Even when I have the time, I don't usually have the painting materials that I need. Seeing the beautiful colors of my kitchen and garden trash inspired me to arrange the trash  into artworks. That is how the new art genre was born.


I have developed several compost art techniques over the year. I had the chance to hold 2 compost art exhibitions,  gave several workshops  to public and schools, and  I am currently working on the compost art book. I owe my friends, Orion Pozo, for appreciating my early works and Rex Heer for rekindling my hidden passion in art. 


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